Switching treatment options

Is it possible to switch from braces to clear aligners? I’m currently on my 4th month wearing braces and I’m just not used to having mouth ulcers on my cheeks and lips. There has been a tremendous change on my teeth alignment but my bite isn’t totally fixed yet. Can aligners continue my progress so far?

Yes, it is possible. Though it will usually cost more to switch treatment methods in the middle.

Switching from metal braces to aligners is possible, but in other cases, it’s not. You need to discuss that with your orthodontist who’s treating you.

Before switching from braces to aligners, it’s advisable to discuss it with your dentist. There are some teeth movements that can be best accomplished by braces, after which you can continue your orthodontic treatment with Invisalign or aligners.

It would be okay to switch treatment option. Invisalign is the best alternative. You would not be starting over again as some of the desired movements would be finished already by your braces.

Switching at the middle of your treatment can be more expensive than continuing with your first treatment. If you are willing to pay for more, you can switch to aligners.

You can change to aligners but if your bite problem is pretty complicated, braces can treat them better…

100% agree. If you have an deep bite, open bite, or a crossbite, it’s better to continue with your braces treatment.

What is your bite problem?

Aligners can also treat bite problems, but only with attachments.

I agree. Some orthodontists still prefer braces because bite problems are easier to correct using brackets.

I think aligners can also fix the bite even without attachments. It would just take longer.